
Western Cape Dept of Health: Internships 2017 / 2018

Western Cape Dept of Health: Internships 2017 / 2018

Western Cape Department of Health is looking for a Medical Physicist Intern at the Groote Schuur Hospital in Observatory. The candidate will undergo internship training for a minimum of 2 years as an intern medical physicist according to the HPCSA-accredited training program at Groote Schuur Hospital.

Internship Application deadline is 21 October 2016

Internship Provider: Western Cape Department of Health

Internship Location: Cape Town


Duties and Responsibilities


How to apply

Candidates must submit a completed Z83 Application Form (download here), obtainable from any government department. The form be completed in full, clearly reflect the name of the position, name and date of the publication (candidates may use this as reference), be signed, accompanied by a comprehensive CV, the names of 3 referees and certified copies of ID, driver’s licence and qualification/s.

Please submit your application to:  The Chief Executive Officer: Groote Schuur Hospital Private Bag X4 Observatory, 7935. (For the attention of Ms N Mbilini)

Note: Although the closing date is 21 October 2016, this advertisement is valid for 6 months whilst the vacant post is available. Applications will be considered up to 24 April 2017. (Recruitment process will start immediately after the closing date). No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post.

For any enquiries contact Ms H Burger on tel. no (021) 404-6266/40 or email: Hester.Burger@uct.ac.za

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