University of South Africa (Unisa) reopens Applications for 2023

University of South Africa (Unisa) reopens Applications for 2023.
Did you missed University of South Africa (Unisa) Application for 2023 academic year? Unisa has gave you a second chance to apply for 2023 admission for certain qualifications.
Unisa applications for the 2023 academic year commenced in September and closed in October 2022, however the institution announced that if there were any places available after the closing date, applications for those qualifications may re-open.
Applications for admission into limited undergraduate qualifications (higher certificates, advanced certificates, diplomas, advanced diplomas, and degrees) for the 2023 academic year reopened on 22 November and will close on 7 December 2022.
The university says that the available qualifications will be listed on the qualification drop-down list when applicants apply online.
“Applications for postgraduate diplomas offered by the Unisa Graduate School of Business Leadership will close on 30 November 2022.”
Additionally, the applications for admission into master’s or Doctoral qualifications for the 2023 academic year will be extended to 31 January 2023 and some exceptions may apply.
Unisa has urged all candidates to submit their applications for admission during the prescribed application period and any students wanting to start a new qualification must also apply for admission.
This includes:
- First-time Unisa applicants.
- Unisa students changing to a new qualification and/or specialisation.
- Applicants who previously applied for admission and were not offered a space or who were offered a space, accepted the offer, and did not register.
- Students completing a higher certificate or any other programme and who wish to continue with further undergraduate studies.
Applicants wishing to enrol for classes at a Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college under the Unisa-TVET agreement may apply via the relevant TVET college or online through Unisa.
Students can apply online at: