
University of Pretoria (UP) Application Status for Admission (Check / Track Online)

University of Pretoria (UP) Application Status for Admission (Check / Track)

University of Pretoria (UP) website also provides a means for students to apply for admission at UP in the next academic year and they can also track their UP Application Status.

Do you want to study at University of Pretoria (UP)? Did you applied to study at UP in the next academic year? If Yes, check your UP application status below.

Here are the step by step guide to check or track your UP Application Status:

Step 1:

To check the status of your application, please click UP Portal to access your Student Centre.

Click here for a step-by-step guide on how to set up your UP Portal password.
Click here for a step-by-step guide on how to access the Student Centre and track your application.

Acceptance of admission

If you have been admitted conditionally or unconditionally, please visit the UP Portal ‘Student Centre’ to accept or decline the place that has been allocated to you.

If you want to enquire about the following, please email csc@up.ac.za or call 012 420 3111:


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