University of Limpopo Applications Forms 2016 Now Open
The University of Limpopo has two main campuses: one at Turfloop, to the east of Polokwane in Limpopo province; the other at Ga-Rankuwa, just north of Pretoria. The university represents a merger between the University of the North and the Medical University of Southern Africa (Medunsa), which was incorporated as a full medical faculty. Its other faculties are humanities; science and agriculture; and management and law. The university focus is on finding solutions to meet the needs of African rural communities.
Please Note: Students who have been refused re-registration at another University, will not be admitted to the University of Limpopo
- Applicants who satisfy the minimum requirements will nonetheless be subject to a selection procedure. An academic record above the minimum requirements is usually necessary for successive admission. An admission rating system is used for admission to all courses.
- Administrative Matters, naturally there will be more applicants who qualify for certain degree programmes than can be accommodated. Failure to comply with the minimum requirements will result in applications not being considered.
- Closing date for admission applications is on the 30th September 2015.
- Application forms must be accompanied by a non-refundable handling fee of R200.O0, NO CASH please. All monies should be deposited into the University’s account and proof of payment must be attached to the application form.
Branch number: 0 5 2 5 4 8
Account number: 3 3 0 0 4 0 0 0 6
Swift Number ZBZAZAJJ (International Deposits)
Make use of M65 deposit slips, and reflect a student number or initials and surname as reference.
- Certificates
Only certified copies of Matriculation Exemption, NSC certificate or NSC Statement of results, Diploma or Degree Certificates and transcripts or University Academic Records should be submitted with the application. However, students who are about to write matriculation or degree examinations should not wait for the final Grade 12 results before applying. Original certificates are to be submitted on the day of registration. - As provisional selections will be done on Grade 11 results, prospective students are expected to submit the final Grade 11 report issued by the school attended, with the ‘Application’ form. Applicants must submit their original matriculation examination results on registering with the University.
- A certificate of conduct is required from applicants who have previously studied at other universities, If more than one university has been attended; academic records and certificates of conduct should be submitted together with the application form.
- Registration with Professional Boards and Councils
Candidates that are admitted to certain health degree programmes for the first time are required to complete the necessary documentation for registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA), South Africa Nursing Council (SANC),South African Pharmacy Council, etc. on the same day on which they register for those programmes.
- Identity Document or original Birth Certificate
- A registration fee as determined by the Health Professions Council of South Africa
Please Note: Only original documents are accepted. Certified copies of documents are not accepted for professional registration.
For additional information on admission and registration please contact the Central Admissions office at:
Turfloop Campus
Tel: 015 268 3332/2812
Fax: 015 267 0152/268/3118