Univen Application Status 2023

Univen Application Status 2023: Univen status check 2022-2023
Are you a student who has been anxiously waiting to find out if you have been accepted into University of Venda (Univen) for 2023 academic year? Are you a parent/guardian looking to check / track the application status for Univen Admission of your child?
You have come to the right place, we have documented all the steps to make it easy for you to find out your 2023 Univen application status online.
You can check Univen application status online via https://www.univen.ac.za/students/student-support-services/how-to-apply/check-application-status/
NB: This process is done for applicants who want to be admitted
- Enter your ID number
- Applicant’s details will appear
- Qualifications that you applied for will appear with statuses showing whether you qualify or not qualify for admission
- On the right side of qualifications that you are qualifying for admission “REQUEST OFFER” button to click
- You will only be given one chance to choose one qualification
- Make sure that you click on the qualification that you want to be admitted to
Result Codes:
i) ID not found – No application found or application not captured
ii) Request for admission – Student must request for admission
iii) Requested for admission – Student has not been allocated space
iv) Admitted – Student has been allocated space and must continue to register online