South African Council for the Architectural Profession (SACAP): Bursaries 2023

The South African Council for the Architectural Profession (SACAP) invites South African students to apply for Bursaries Programme 2023 academic year.
Bursary Application closing date is 23 February 2023
The South African Council for the Architectural Profession (SACAP) is the regulatory body for the architectural profession, within South Africa.
The SACAP is committed to guiding, facilitating and promoting a high standard of competency and responsibility in the architectural profession, as well as to increase public awareness of the range of architectural services offered.
The SACAP aims to maintain a high standard of education for architecture students at technikons and universities through the granting of professional certification.
The South African Council for the Architectural Profession (SACAP) is inviting students to apply for their Student Bursary award, for the 2023 academic year.
Bursaries will be awarded for Architectural studies (undergraduate up to Masters level).
Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry criteria before applying (please note that failure to satisfy all the requirements will lead to your application not being considered):
- You must be a South African citizen
- You must have completed Matric
- You must be studying towards an Architecture qualification
- You must be entering your 2nd or later year of study (up to Masters), in 2023
- You must be studying at an accredited Architectural Learning institution in South Africa
- Students without a disability: you must have a total household income of NOT more than R350 000 per annum
- Students with a disability: you must have a total household income of NOT more than R600 000 per annum
- Preference will be given to candidates from designated groups
How to apply
Students who meet the above criteria, may apply by submitting clear copies of the following documentation (the submission of these documents is compulsory – if any items are missing, your application may be disqualified):
- South African ID Document (certified copy)
- Matric certificate (certified copy)
- Most recent academic results and full academic record (certified copy)
- Motivational letter explaining why you are applying for this bursary
- Parents, guardians or your own proof of household income (latest payslips if employed, affidavit if unemployed)
- Parents, guardians or your own 3 months recent bank statements
- Medical note stating type of disability, if living with a disability
Note: there is no application form to be completed for this bursary application – students need only submit the list of above documents to apply.
Applications must be submitted to The Manager: Education & Accreditation, in either of the following ways:
– Email:
– Hand delivery:
51 Wessel Road
Right Wing
– Post:
PO Box 1500