Sekhukhune Municipality: Traffic Wardens Internships 2022 / 2023

Sekhukhune District Municipality invites unemployed youth to apply for 24 months Traffic Wardens Internship Programme 2022 / 2023.
Internship Location: Groblersdal, Limpopo
Internship Closing Date: 28 October 2022
Stipend: R120,000 pa
- Grade 12;
- code B Driver’s License;
- No criminal record;
- and Physical fitness.
- No experience required.
- Acquiring knowledge of operational execution of duties relating to
- traffic management/metro police/law enforcement.
How to apply
Application form must be accompanied by their detailed curriculum vitae with proven experience, contactable references, and competency requirements of the posts registration with a relevant professional body if applicable disclosing full details of any dismissal for misconduct or substandard performance and any disciplinary actions, whether pending or finalized instituted against the applicant from current and previous employment, recently (not older than 3 months old) certified copies of academic qualifications and Identity Document (ID).
It is the responsibility of applicants in possession of foreign qualifications to submit
evaluated results by the South African Qualifications Authority. Any misrepresentation or failure to disclose material information is a breach of the Code of Conduct for Municipal Staff. Successful applicants) shall be required to sign employment contract, disclosure of benefits and interest and where applicable or necessary performance agreement, undergo screening and vetting. Late, faxed, e-mailed or applications not made on the prescribed official application form shall not be considered. Canvassing Councilors or officials for the appointment is strictly prohibited and will automatically disqualify the applicant. Failure to submit all the required documents shall render the application invalid. Should you not hear from the Municipality within 30 working days after the closing date, regard your application as unsuccessful.
The Municipality reserves the right not to appointment on these posts.
Enquiries shall be directed to the Manager Human Resources Management and Development Mr. Mafiri L.M @ 013262 3056 and applications forwarded to: The Municipal Manager, Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality, P.O Box 48, Groblersdal, 0470 or hand-delivered to the Office of the Manager Human Resources Management and Development, 2rd Grobler Avenue, Groblersdal, 0470.