SASRIA: Bursaries 2021

South African Special Risk Insurance Association (SASRIA) invites students to apply for Bursary Programme for 2021 academic year.
Bursary Application closing date: 11 January 2021
Sasria will be awarding bursaries for 2021 studies, within the following fields of study:
- Accounting
- Business Economics
- Business Science
- Economics
- Finance
- Information Technology (BSc degree)
- Information Technology (BIT degree)
- Insurance
- Investments
- Mathematics
Minimum Requirments
Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry criteria before applying (please note that failure to satisfy all the requirements will lead to your application not being considered):
- South African citizen
- Completed Matric OR currently in Matric
- Studying or intend on studying towards a full-time undergraduate degree qualification within one of the aforementioned fields of study
- Studying or intend on studying at a recognised University in South Africa
- If completed Matric, must have achieved a minimum average B symbol
How to apply
Download and complete the Sasria Bursary Application Form (.pdf)
Applications must be submitted in one of the following ways:
1) Post:
Sasria SOC Limited
CSI Department
P.O. Box
(Attention: Sasria Bursary Application)
2) Email:
(Insert the words “Sasria Bursary Application – Your Full Name” in the email subject line).