Sasol: Undergraduate Bursaries 2020 / 2021

Sasol is offering Bursaries Programme for Undergraduate students who want to study further their studies for 2020/2021 financial year. The South African Undergraduate Programme aims to attract exceptional young talent to the organization. If you have what it takes to become part of this exciting team, the Sasol Bursary programme is ready to change your life.
Bursary Application Closing Date: 30 April 2020
Bursary Provider: Sasol
Bursary Location: South Africa
Field of Studies
Bursaries awarded are for full-time studies for a Bachelors Degree (BSc or BEng) at a South African University and are offered to only South African Citizens.
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Electronic Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Industrial Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mining Engineering
- Chemistry
- Geology
- Metallurgy
Learners currently in Grade 12 or candidates in their 1st year of study in 2020 must have the following
- Mathematics 70%,
- Physical Science 70%,
- English 60%, and
- must have obtained a pass in all other subjects.
Students who are currently enrolled for BSc or BEng (have completed at least the 1st year of study at a university) must have the following:
- A minimum of 50% in all subjects registered in 2019.
- Note that priority is given to students with exceptional academic records.
Please note:
- Only South African citizens will be considered.
- Sasol does not offer bursaries to individuals studying at a private University.
- Sasol does not offer bursaries to individuals studying part time.
- Candidates who are awarded for a specific field of study may not change the particular field of study.
- Candidates may only study at an approved university.
- Change of institution is only allowed after written approval is obtained from Sasol.
Bursasry Awards
- 100% of the prescribed university tuition fees, registration fees and exam fees.
- An amount equal to the average rate for accommodation in a single room at a university residence at the university at which the Sasol bursar is studying. This rate is determined by Sasol in conjunction with the university.
- An amount for meals based on three meals per day, as determined by the university.
- An amount of approximately R12 000,00 per annum, towards book and pocket money
How to Apply
Click here to Apply Online for Undergraduate bursary 2020