
SAPS: Internships 2019 in Northern Cape

The South African Police Service hereby invites unemployed youth who conform to the requirements for a twelve-month internship programme at Northern Cape: Corporate Support. The internship programme is part of the National Human Resource Development Strategy and the National Skills Development Strategy.

Internship Application Closing Date: 30 November 2018

Internship Provider: SAPS

Internship Location: Northern Cape


Intern categories: Graduate Intern: Tertiary Qualification is required

Student Intern: Need practical experience in order to finalise qualification Intern: Senior Certificate (Grade 12) no tertiary qualification is required.

NB: Stipend for each category will be as determined by the Section Head: ETD Skills Development: South African Police Service

Administrative Intern : Graduates [x15]
  •  Ki mberley: Prov TMS ( NCGI 1 /  8  / 2018 )
  • Kimberley: Prov HRU (NCGI 2 / 8 / 2018 )
  • Kimberley: Prov Personnel Management (NCGI 3 / 8 / 2018)
  • Kimberley: Prov Corporate Communication (NCGI 4 / 8 / 2018)
  • Kim berley: Prov Detectives (NCGI 5 / 8 / 2018)
  • Galeshewe HRDC: Library (NCGI 6 / 8 / 2018)
  • De Aar HRDC (NCGI 7  /  8  / 2018 )
  • S pringbok SAPS (NCGI 8  /  8  / 2018 )
  • Springbk HRDC (NCGI 9 / 8 / 2018)
  • Upi ngton HRDC (NCGI 10  /  8  / 2018 )
  • Groblershoop (NCGI 11 / 8 / 2018)
  • Kuruman SAPS (NCGI 12  /  8  / 201 8 )
  • Kuruman HRDC (NCGI 13 / 8 / 2018)
  •  Roodepan (NCGI 14  / 8 / 2018)
  • Griekwastad (NCGI 15  / 8 / 2018)

Additional Requirements: Three ( 3 ) year Degree / Diploma in Human Resource Management / Public Administration / Labour Relations / Human Resource Development / Business Management (NQF 6 / 7 / 8)

Core functions: Will be dealing with all relevant matters re lated to this specific Section  / Unit and  /  or Station which directly link to the specific field of study and  /  or qualification.

Generic functions:

·  Render administrative su pport functions within the Unit /  Secti on /  Station ;

·  B e able to draft and type correspondence in MS Word and PowerPoint;

·  Arrange and prepare for meetings, prepare agendas, typing and taking of minutes;

·  Answer and screening of all incoming calls; Maintain good record keeping, filing and bring forward systems ;

·  Handle confidential do cuments;

·  Operate standard office equipment (fax machine , photocopy mac hine, telephone, computer etc.);

·  Maintain accurate record keeping and efficient administration on all files and records ;

·  Administer brought forward files to co – ordinate target dates f or correspondence.

Administrative Student Intern s [x10]
  •  Keimoes  ( NCSI 16  / 8  / 201 8 )
  • Prieska (NCSI 17  / 8  / 2018 )
  • Mothibistad (NCSI 1 8  /  8 /  2018 )
  • Port Nolloth (NCSI 1 9  / 8  / 2018 )
  • Kagisho (NCSI 20  / 8  / 2018 )
  • Hartswater (NCSI 21  / 8  / 2018 )
  • Olifa ntshoek (NCSI 22  / 8  / 2018 )
  • Barkley – West (NCSI 23  / 8  / 201 8 )
  • Delportshoop (NCSI 24  / 8  / 20 18 )
  • Windsorton (NCSI 25  / 8 / 2018)

Additional Requirements: N6 Certificate in Human Resource Management / Public Administration / Labour Relations / Supply Chain Management / Public Management and Administration /  SCM or equivalent qualification

Core functions: Will be dealing with all relevant matters relat ed to this specific Section /  nit and  /  or Station which directly link to the specific field of study and  /  or qualification.

Generic functions:

·  Compile correspondence, reports and presentations.

·  Regulate the receipt and flow of documentation internally and externally.

·  Render administrative support fun ctions within the Unit / Section / Station.

·  Be able to draft and type correspondence in MS Word and PowerPoint.

·  Arrange and prepare for meetings, prepare agendas, typing and taking of minutes .

·  Answer and screening of all inc oming calls.

·  Maintain good record keeping, filing and bring forward systems ;

·  Handle confidential documents .

·  Operate standard office equipment 4 (fax, photocopy machine, telephone, computer etc.).

·  Maintain accurate record keeping and efficient administration o f all files and records.

·  Administer brought forward filing system to co ordinate due dates for correspondence.

Administrative Interns [x5]
  •  Plooysburg ( NCMI 26 / 8 / 2018 )
  • Britstown (NCMI 27  /  8 / 2018 )
  • Deben (NCMI 28  /  8 / 2018 )
  • Kakamas (NCMI 29 / 8  / 201 8 )
  • Niewoudtville (NCMI 30  /  8 / 2018 )

Additional Requirements: Must meet the generic requirements.

Core Functions: Will be dealing with all relevant matters relat ed to the placement.

 Generic functions:

·  Compile correspondence, reports and presentations.

·  Regulate the receipt and flow of documentation internally and externally.

·  Render administrative su pport functions within the Unit  / Section / Station.

·  Be able to draft and type correspondence in MS Word and PowerPoint .

·  Arrange and prepare for meetings, prepare agendas, typing and taking of minutes .

·  Answer and screening of all incoming calls .

·  Maintain good record keeping, filing and bring forward system.

·  Handle confidential documents .

·  Operate standard o ffice equipment (fax, photocopy machine, telephone, computer etc.).

·  Maintain accurate record keeping and efficient administration of all files and records.

·  Administer brought forward files to co – ordinate due dates for correspondence


How to Apply

Application must be posted to: Colonel Tertiens or Captain Greeff: Human Resources Development: SDF South African Police Service, Private Bag X9004 Cape Town 8000

Hand Delivered To:

Room 236, 2nd Floor Customs House Heerengracht Street; Foreshore Cape Town 8000

Enquiries Can Be Directed To: Col Tertiens or Capt Greeff or Cst Adams at ( 021) 409 6636 / 39 / 41

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