
SAAFoST: Undergraduate Bursaries 2019

The South African Association for Food Science and Technology (SAAFoST) Foundation is inviting interested students to apply for full term bursaries for 2019 in the field of Food Science and Technology. SAAFoST Foundation is offering bursaries for full-time undergraduate food science and technology students, awarded on the basis of academic merit, employment equity, and demonstrated potential.

Bursary Online Application Closing Date: 15 January 2019

Bursary Provider: South African Association for Food Science and Technology (SAAFoST)

Bursary Location: South Africa

Bursary Eligibility Criteria:

The selection of candidates is based on the following criteria:

Bursary Package

The bursary includes financial assistance for the following:

Bursary Conditions

Annual Application Deadlines


Application Closing Date
Review Period
Award Announced
15 January 2019
January – February 2019
February 2019

How to apply


Completed Applications must be FAXED OR E-MAILED to the SAAFoST Membership Development Officer and a HARDCOPY of the application must also be mailed to the address below.

Enquiries and Application Submissions

Return by e-mail or fax to the Membership Development Officer:

The SAAFoST Membership Development Officer
PO Box 35233
Menlo Park
Tel: (012) 349 2788
Fax: (086) 698 4784
E-mail: saafost.irene@telkomsa.net

Application Administration:


Ensure that you provide the following with your completed application form:

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