
North West Office of the Premier: Bursaries 2018

North West Office of the Premier invites all learners and students to apply for bursaries Programme for  2018 in North West. Candidates must be between the age of 35 and less who are South Africans residents. Students should intend to study full-time basis at tertiary institutions. Bursaries will be awarded to learners who are financially needy and academically performing well. These bursaries target Grade 12 learners; those who have already passed Grade 12 in previous years; and students who are already at tertiary institutions. People with Disabilities are encouraged to apply.

Bursary Application Closing Date: 31 October 2017

Bursary Provider: North West Office of the Premier

Bursary Location: North West

Field of Studies


  1. Fully completed Bursary Application form (SECTIONS: A – E)
  2. Proof of physical address (home) document: A letter from the Traditional Authority Offices for those residing from the villages and a letter from the Municipality Offices for those of Town / Townships / farm; ( Not statement of account, e.g. water bill, etc.);
  3. Certified copy of ID Document (student);
  4. Certified copy of Statement of results / Matric Certificate (Matric Certificate is compulsory for all applicants)
  5. Certified copy of End of year results /last academic results (Students already at tertiary) 6 Certified copy of University Acceptance letter.
  6. ATTACH PROOF OF PARENT/S’ & GUARDIAN INCOME DOCUMENT/S: SALARY PAYSLIP/S (NB. In case of Deceased parent/s also attach copy of Death Certificate/s).
  7. Are you disabled?
  8. NB. In case the University Acceptance / Admission Letter and the end of year Results (Matric & Tertiary) are not yet received, please submit the Bursary application form with other supporting documents before the closing date and submit the results not later than the 10th January 2018 to fax: 0866249279 / E – mail: dsegwe@nwpg.gov.za / mogotsim@nwpg.gov.za / pmogalane@nwpg.gov.za / gserapelo@nwpg.gov.za

How to Apply

Download Application Form or collect a copy from the following Offices I Distribution Centres:

NB: The completed Bursary Application Form, together with certified copies of all the required documents should be submitted directly to Office of the Premier, Ga – Rona Building – Bursaries (Ground Floor) or at the Offices / Distribution centres mentioned above.

For more information please contact the following numbers: 018 388 1212 / 1308/ 1259 / 1207 / 1304

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