National Metrology Institute of South Africa (NMISA) : Bursaries 2021

National Metrology Institute of South Africa (NMISA) is offering Bursaries Programme for 2021 academic year.
Bursary application Closing date is 31 July 2020
Nationality: South African citizens
The NMISA offers undergraduate and post-graduate bursaries at a recognised South African university. Upon completion, the bursars will be required to work one year for every year sponsored at the NMISA. Successful graduates will follow an exciting career at NMISA in the Science of accurate Measurement (Metrology).
Bursaries are offered in the following fields of study:
- Engineering (Electrical/ Electronic, Mechanical),
- Materials Science,
- Physics and Chemistry
Minimum selection criteria
Bursaries are offered on academic merit and financial need. Undergraduate students who are registered fulltime at a recognised South African university in any of the fields listed above. Candidates who are able to provide grade 11 results and progress report for grade 12 or are in possession of grade 12 exemption certificate with acceptable symbols. Applicants must be South African Citizens
The bursary includes
The full costs of registration and tuition, residence fees and allowance for prescribed books and necessary requirements. The successful candidates will have an opportunity to gain work experience at the NMISA during vacations.
How to apply?
Should you meet the above requirements kindly complete the bursary application form, and attach copies of the latest academic results as well as ID. More information can be obtained from the Human Resources telephone number 012 841 4704.
Applications should be sent to Private Bag X 34, Lynnwood Ridge 0040, or you can e-mail to or fax 086 756 3451.