
Mogale City Municipality: Learnerships 2018 / 2019 in Gauteng

Mogale City Local Municipality hereby invites candidates to apply for Learnerships Programme for the 2018/2019 in Gauteng. Successful candidates will receive a monthly stipend during their placement.

Learnership application deadline is 14 May 2018 (Monday) @ 12:00

Learnership Provider:  Mogale City Local Municipality

Learnership Location: Gauteng

The Office of the Executive Mayor invites applications tot the following eleven (11) months training opportunities:

 WATER NQF Level 13
  • Grade 12 with Maths and Science or Maths Literacy and Geography or Accounting
  • Unemployed young people between 18-35 years
  • R1800 per month
  • Completed degree in any field
  • Unemployed
  • R5000 per month
National Certificate: Vocation N4 & N6
  • Grade 12
  • Unemployed young people between 18-35years
  • R3000 per month

Training commences on the l5’ May 2018 (Tuesday)

Interested candidates should submit the following documents over and above the covering letter that specifically indicates position you are applying for:

How to Apply

Applications should be dropped at HR Offices, Mogale City Local Municipality, Cnr. Market L Commissioner Street. Mogale City (No emailed or faxed applications). Late submissions and incomplete applications will NOT considered.

Enquiries: 011 068 0500

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