SA Bursaries

Mintek: Bursaries 2022

Mintek invites students to apply for Bursary Programme 2022 academic year.

Bursary Application Closing Date: 31 July 2021

Applications for Mintek’s Bursary Programme are open.

Mintek’s Mission Statement affirms Mintek’s aim to provide appropriately-skilled graduates to both Mintek itself as well as to the broader South African minerals and metallurgy sector.

Mintek has a strong interest in students who intend to pursue / are currently pursuing undergraduate degrees, honors degrees or B.Tech diplomas in the following fields*:

  • Chemistry (Analytical or Geochemistry)
  • Chemical Engineering (Minerals Processing option)
  • Electrical Engineering (Process Control Systems or Electronics)
  • Geology (majoring in Mineralogy, Petrology, Applied Geology or Economic Geology)
  • Mathematics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Mining Engineering
  • Physical Metallurgy / Materials Science
  • Physics

*Unfortunately Mintek does not provide bursaries to students studying towards their National Diplomas or students at year one (first year) of their study programme.


  • At University currently: Studying towards any of the above-mentioned degrees with an overall average of 60% and no failed courses or subjects.
  • Must be a South African citizen.
  • Must meet the university entry requirements and be accepted at a recognised South African university for full-time studies

What the bursary covers

  • Full payment of registration, tuition, residence and meal fees (or equivalent of university residence and meal fees if staying in private accommodation), plus a R15 000 p.a. allowance.
  • The bursary is awarded for the length of the prescribed course provided that the bursar passes the registered subjects and still complies with the Mintek bursary contract.

How to apply


Completed application forms with supporting documentation must be submitted to Mintek’s Academic Liaison Officer as follows:

Via post: Mintek Bursary Office, Private Bag X3015, Randburg 2125


Fax: 011 709 4465

Submit the following documents along with your application:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Certified copy of proof of identity (ID or passport)
  • Certified copies of Matric certificate and official university transcript / certificates / registration

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