
Limpopo Dept of Public Works: Bursaries 2018

Limpopo Department of Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure wishes to invite application for Bursary Programme 2018 academic year, from South African citizens, residing in the Limpopo Province and across all race groups with emphasis on previously disadvantaged groups and people with disabilities.

Bursary Application Closing Date: 7 November 2017

Bursary Provider: Limpopo Department of Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure

Bursary Location: Limpopo

The bursary ware for the applicants who are interested in studying the following fields:

The bursary will cover

Download Application Form

Application forms can also be collected at the Provincial Public Works Office and / or its District Offices, and be returned with the following accompanying documents:

Completed application forms and supporting documents should be returned to Head Offices, Department of Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure, Human Resource Development, Private Bag X9490, Polokwane 0700 or hand delivered at the Department of Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure, Human Resource Development, 43 Church Street, Polokwane 0699

Enquiries: Ralushayi Shoni, tel (015) 284 7407
Annete Lundie, tel (015) 284 7234

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