Internships SA

KZN Office of the Premier: Internships 2021

KwaZulu-Natal Office of the Premier invites unemployed graduates to apply for Internship Programme 2021.

Internship Application Closing Date: 27 January 2021.

Internship Location: Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal.


The Office of the Premier invites unemployed youth with qualifications in the fields of study listed below, to apply for the Internship Programme for a period of 24 months, effective from the 2021/2022 financial year.

The programme will include a work based structured approach to experiential learning related to an occupation, aimed at assisting graduates/diplomates to acquire competencies and practical &penance in their respective fields.


  • Unemployed KwaZulu-Natal Graduates/Diplomates between the age of 18 and 35 years;
  • Must be prepared to relocate to Pletermaritzburg at own cost;
  • Must be computer literate;
  • No work experience is required;
  • Must have graduated (Please attach a certified copy of the diploma or a degree certificate);
  • Must be unemployed after the completion of the tertiary qualification;
  • Must not have been enrolled in the graduate internship programme in the past;

Must have a relevant tertiary qualification in the following fields:


Applicants will be required to enter Into a 24 months internship contract with the Department. effective from the date of assumption of duty. All enquiries can be directed to Ms S.D. Zakwe. tel. (033) 328 1821.

How to apply

Applications must be submitted on the NEW employment form (Form 283) obtainable from any Public Service Department or, should any application be received using the Incorrect application for employment (Z83) it will not be considered, the form must be fully completed.

Applicants must submit a detailed CV including contact telephone numbers, physical and postal address, certified copies of ID, Matric/ Grade 12 and Diploma/Degree certificates. • Clearly state the field you are applying for, e.g. Communications: Photography and the relevant reference number.

Applications must be posted to the following address: The Director-General. Office of the Premier. Human Resource Support. Private Bag X 9037, Pietermariztburg, 3200 or hand delivered to 16 Chatterton Road, First Floor, Invesco Centre, PMB, 3200, marked for the attention of Mr B.M. Dlamini or emailed to:

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