SA Bursaries

KELE Mining Solutions: Bursaries 2022

KELE Mining Solutions invites students to apply for Bursaries Programme 2022 academic year.

Bursary Application closing date  is 07 January 2022

KELE Mining Solutions is inviting students to apply for bursary funding, for the 2022 academic year. Bursaries are available ALL fields of study, at any University, University of Technology or Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College.

The KELE Bursary is made possible by the companies Local Community Development initiatives and Social commitment to the community in which they operate.

The bursary will provide cover for the following expenses (based on the students financial need): registration fees, tuition fees, prescribed books, toolkits (where applicable), meals and accommodation.

Selected candidates will be contacted by no later than 14 January 2022 – if you do not receive any feedback by this date, please regard your application as unsuccessful.


Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry criteria before applying (please note that failure to satisfy all the requirements will lead to your application not being considered):

  • You must be studying or intend on studying toward a formal qualification or trade, in ANY field
  • You must be studying or registered to study at a recognised and accredited tertiary institution: University, University of Technology or Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College
  • You must have a strong academic record
  • You must have passed a minimum of 60% of your course modules/ subjects
  • You must be in financial need
  • Preference will be given to children of KELE Mining Solutions employees, as well as students from the areas in which the company operates (Northern Cape)

How to apply

Candidates must apply by submitting clear copies of the following supporting documentation (the submission of these documents is compulsory – if any items are missing, your application may be disqualified):

  • ID document (certified copy)
  • Most recent academic record/ results (certified copy)
  • Proof of registration with the educational institution (on institutions letterhead)
  • Parents or guardians proof of income (latest payslips if employed, affidavit if unemployed, proof of pension or grant if applicable)
  • Proof of residence
  • Curriculum Vitae

Applications must be submitted via email to:
(Insert the words “KELE Bursary Application 2022” in the email subject line).

Note: there is no application form to be completed for this bursary application – students need only submit the list of above documents to apply.

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