Jindal Africa: Bursaries 2023

Jindal Africa invites qualifying South African student to apply for Bursary Programme 2023 academic year.
Bursary Application Closing Date: 31 October 2022
Bursaries will be awarded for studies within these fields, to students who reside in communities around the mine, in Mpumalanga:
University studies:
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Metallurgy
- Mine Survey
- Mining Engineering
TVET College studies:
- Boilermaker
- Diesel Mechanic
- Electrician
- Fitting & Turning
- Millwright
The bursary will provide cover for the following expenses:
- University students: full tuition fees, books, accommodation, living allowance and a once-off laptop allowance.
- TVET College students: full tuition fees, books, accommodation and a stipend.
Shortlisted candidates will be contacted, to procced to the next stage of the selection process. Candidates will undergo psychometric assessments, to measure competency in Mathematics and academic literacy.
Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry criteria before applying (please note that failure to satisfy all the requirements will lead to your application not being considered):
University students:
- You must be a South African citizen
- You must reside within the Mkhondo Local Municipality, in Mpumalanga
- You must be currently in Matric or have completed Matric
- You must be studying or intend on studying full-time, towards a qualification in one of the fields listed above, in 2023
- You must be studying or intend on studying at a recognised University in South Africa
- Current Matric students: you must have achieved a minimum of level 5 for English, a minimum of level 6 for Mathematics and a minimum of level 6 for Physics
- Current University students: you must have achieved a minimum overall average of 65% for all major subjects
TVET College students:
- You must be a South African citizen
- You must reside within the Mkhondo Local Municipality, in Mpumalanga
- You must have completed Grade 9 to Matric
- You must be studying or intend on studying full-time, towards a qualification in one of the fields listed above, in 2023
- You must be studying or intend on studying at a recognised TVET/ FET College in South Africa
- Current TVET College students: you must have achieved a minimum N1-Mathematics, a minimum of 40% for Physical Science and N2-Mathematics and a minimum of 50% for Physical Science
How to apply
Students who meet all of the above criteria, can apply by submitting clear copies of the following documentation (the submission of these documents is compulsory – if any items are missing, your application may be disqualified):
- Application letter indicating the field of study you are applying for
- Updated Curriculum Vitae
- ID document (certified copy)
- School report (certified copy)
- Most recent academic record (certified copy)
- Proof of acceptance/ provisional acceptance at University or College (on institutions letterhead)
Note: there is no application form to be completed for this bursary application – students need only submit the list of above documents to apply.
Applications must be signed and submitted by the Community Forum Leaders and must be hand delivered to the Mine Main Gate (security). Applications must clearly state the position being applied for.