
INSETA Learnership 2016: Finance

INSETA Learnership 2016: Basic Finance
Location: All SA Provinces

Insurance sector education and training authority, established in terms of the Skills Development Act. INSETA’s purpose is to grow the pool and quality of scarce and critical skills in the insurance sector, enhancing the sector and supporting the country’s transformation.

Learnership Details

Have you completed Grade 12 and would like to do a skills programme in the insurance sector? Are you fluent in English and able to communicate well with people? Do you present a professional image, are you unemployed and younger than 35 years?


Certified copy of id
Certified copy of matric certificate, learner must have passed Maths, English and an additional South African language.
Applicants may not be studying already
Applicants must be South African

How to Apply

Download and Complete Application Form and Send Application to: skillsprogram-youth@inseta.org.za

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