
Gauteng Dept of Sport, Arts, Culture & Recreation – Internship 2016-2017

Gauteng Dept of Sport, Arts, Culture – Internship 2016-2017

As the Gauteng Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation, we do contribute towards skills development by providing opportunities to unemployed graduates to gain work experience in various skills areas. The internship programme is aimed at enhancing the employability of unemployed graduates aged between 18 and 35 years. Our Internship Programme runs for 12 Months contract period starting from 01 April to 31 March of each financial year. Internship for this financial year, 2015/2016, is currently underway.

NB: Application for 2016/17 internship programme will be in March 2016.

Requirements: Applications must be graduates in fields specified below and/or have successfully completed the theoretical part of study and are in need of experiential learning in order to complete the qualification.

Office of the MEC Diploma or Degree in Public Administration, specializing in Political Studies
Office of the HOD Diploma or Degree in  Public Administration
Office of the COO Diploma or Degree in  Public Administration
Strategic Planning Diploma or Degree in Public Administration  or Business Development
GEYODI Diploma/Degree in Public  Administration or Business Management, specializing in Gender, Youth or Disability Studies
 Policy and Research  Diploma or Degree in Policy / Research
 Monitoring and Evaluation  BA Honours in Public Management or BA Degree in Public Management
Audit & Risk Management Diploma/ Degree in Public Administration
Strategic Partnership & IGR Diploma or Degree in Marketing
Human Resource Administration Diploma or Degree in Human Resource Management
Human Resource Development Diploma/Degree in Human Resource Management
School Sport Diploma or Degree in Sport Management
Competitive Sport Diploma or Degree in Sport Management
Mass Participation Program Diploma or Degree in Sport Management
Information Technology Diploma or Degree in IT (A+ and N+) or Computer Systems
Finance Diploma or Degree in Accounting
Supply Chain Management Diploma or Degree  in Supply Chain Management
Financial Management Supply Chain Management Diploma or Financial Management Diploma
Grants in Aid Diploma or Degree in either: Monitoring & Evaluation or Project Management
Creative Industries Diploma or Degree in  Arts
Media Liaison Diploma in Journalism / Degree in Media Studies / Photography / DTP
Community Liaison Diploma or Degree in Communications or Development Communication / Community Development
Marketing & Events Diploma or Degree in either Public Relations / Communications / Marketing Management
Employee Wellness Degree /  Diploma  in either Employee Wellness / Industrial Psychology or Psychology/ OHS
Employee Relations Diploma/Degree in Labour Relations
Legal Services Undergraduate Legal Degree – LLB, BPROC, B JURIS
Office Administration  and Facilities Management Diploma or Degree in Office Administration or Facilities Management
Heritage Diploma or Degree in Heritage
Creative Arts Diploma or Degree in  Arts
Sport Development and Coordination Diploma or Degree in Sport Management
Library and Archival Services Diploma or Degree in Archival Studies  or Library Information Services  or Information Science


We welcome applications from persons with Disabilities

Applications should be accompanied by certified copies of qualifications, ID, CV and Z83 Forms obtainable from government departments. Faxed and E-mailed applications will not be considered.

Gauteng Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation uphold the right to place or reject applications based on service delivery needs and requirements. Successful candidates will receive a monthly stipend for the duration of the Internship contract.

Please note that due to a large number of applications expected, applications do not get acknowledged in writing. However, be assured that your applications are acknowledged with appreciation and do go on the database of the Department. A very systematic selection process is in place to ensure that we identify appropriate candidates and only a certain number get selected.

Enquiries: Ms Patricia Ndawo Tel: (011) 355 2861

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