Gauteng City Region Academy (GCRA) invites suitable candidates to apply for Bursary Programme 2022 academic year.
Bursary Application Closing date is 28 February 2022.
The GCRA bursary programme is open to all qualifying youth, with particular preference given to youth from Gauteng, who wish to study for an undergraduate and/or post-graduate programme at an accredited and registered Post School Education and Training institution in South Africa.
The bursary covers full cost of study, with conditions, as stipulated in the bursary contract.
The Top 3 Grade 12 learners from all No-Fee paying, SSIP and LSEN government schools in Gauteng qualify for a bursary to study at a recognised Higher Education Institution (HEI) or a Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College.
Application Requirements
- Students who completed matric and reside in Gauteng – Proof of residence required
- Students intending to study an undergraduate programme and have been accepted at an accredited PSET institution of learning and/or is currently registered for such.
- Students who want to pursue Post-Graduate studies and have been accepted at an accredited institution of higher learning
- Top Achievers from Gauteng Schools
- Top learner from no-fee paying schools in Gauteng
- Top 3 learner from LSEN schools in Gauteng
- A Souh African Citizen
- Youth residing in Gauteng between the age of 18 and 35
How to apply
- Certified copy of South African ID (by birth)
- Proof of Gauteng residence
- Matric Certificate and or latest academic results(certified)
- Proof of income from parent(s) or guardian(s) or affidavit
- Letter of Motivation(not more than 2 pages)
- Proof of registration or acceptance letter from PSET institution
- Disability or medical report(where applicable)