
Emakhazeni Municipality: Learnership 2016/2017 in Northern Cape

Emakhazeni Local Municipality is offering learnership Programme for the Financial year 2016 / 2017 in Northern Cape. This is a 12 months long learnership programme and the candidates will receive a learners allowance during their placement. To ensure successful appointment, candidates applying for the above mentioned position must comply with the following minimum requirements.

Learnership application deadline is 01 July 2016.

Learnership Provider: Emakhazeni Local Municipality

Learnership Location: Northern Cape

NB: Applicants must clearly indicate for which position/s they are applying.
Preference will be given to African, Indian and Coloured Females and residence of the Tsantsabane community to support the company’s employment equity plan, and to children of current Assmang employees who conform to the above mentioned minimum requirements. Successful candidate will also be responsible for their own accommodation and transportation to and from their place of work.
Section Procedure:

Candidates will be “Short Listed” and interviewed, and then undergo a practical evaluation in order to determine the successful candidates. The successful incumbent will be appointed subject to being certified medically fit as per the Mine Health and Safety Act 29/1996 and meeting the requirements of the Company’s Code of Practice. Minimum Standards of Fitness to perform work at a Mine. He/she may also undergo a psychometric assessment.

Please be advised that short listed candidates will be required to authenticate information provided in CV’s. Internal applicants should clearly indicate their company number on their applications.
How to Apply:
Interested applicants are requested to submit their CV’s, together with certified copies of qualifications to:
Human Resource Central File
Assmang Limited
Beeshoek Iron Ore,
Private Bag X 3002
Fax: 086 731 6851
Email: central@assmang.co.za

If you have not been contacted by the Company within 21 days after the closing date, please consider your application to be unsuccessful. Correspondence will be limited to short listed candidates only.

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