
Eastern Cape Dept of Economic Development, (DEDEAT): Internships 2023

The Eastern Cape Department of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEDEAT) invites South Africa unemployed graduates to apply for Internship Programme 2023 / 2024.

Internship Application Closing Date: 21 July 2023

Internship Location: Eastern Cape

The Department of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism is looking for young unemployed individuals to apply for their internship programme.

The Department of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEDEAT) is the affirmative action employer, therefore, people from the designated groups are encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to PWD. 

How to apply

Applicants are encouraged to apply via the e-recruitment system only. Utilise the e-recruitment system which is available on www.ecprov.gov.za or https://erecruitment.ecotp.gov.zaApplications must be submitted on a duly completed New Z83 Form (effective o1 January 2021) obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at www.dpsa.gov.za/documents

. Applicants are not required to submit certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit a fully completed system generated Z83 form and a detailed Curriculum Vitae via the E-Recruitment System. 

The E-Recruitment system is available 24/7 for applications and closes at 23:59 on the closing date.

To report glitches with the E-Recruitment system and assistance regarding the activation of your profile, send an email to: olwethu.desi@dedea.gov.za

(NB: For Technical Glitches Only – No CVS). with your ID Number, your profile email address, details of the issue.

Technical support is limited to working hours: (08:00-16:30 MonThurs and 08:00-16:00 on Fri). Technical support person for E-Recruitment: O. Desi (Olwethu.desi@dedea.gov.za

Should you submit your applications/CV to: olwethu.desi@dedea.gov.za and not as specified, your application will be regarded as lost and will not be considered. applications: Please take note, NO hand delivered applications will be allowed. Applicants must apply online using https://erecruitment.ecotp.gov.za through the E-recruitment system

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