
Dept of Small Business Development: Internship 2017 in Pretoria

Department of Small Business Development Audit Internship in Pretoria

Department of Small Business Development has an Internal Audit Internship Programme in Pretoria (REF NO: INTERN/ODG 005)Remuneration: R59 874 per annum. Department Small Business Development is committed to the pursuit of diversity and redress. Candidates whose appointment will promote representivity in terms of race, disability and gender will receive preference

Internship Application deadline is 19 August 2016

Internship Provider: Departmentent of Small Business Development

Internship Location: Pretoria

  • Applications are invited from unemployed South African citizens aged between 18 and 35 years who have completed a minimum of National Diploma, BTech or Degree in Finance; Accounting; Cost and Management Accounting; and Auditing.
  • Applicants who have already participated in any Government Internship Programme or have work experience over 6 months will not be considered and if it is found that this was the case after appointment, the contract will be terminated with immediate effect.

How to apply

Applications can be submitted by post to: The Registry Office, Department Small Business Development, Private Bag X84, Pretoria 0001 or hand delivered at Block B dti Campus, corner of Meintjies and Robert Sobukwe Streets, Sunnyside, Pretoria.

Applications must be submitted on a signed Z83 form (download here), and must be accompanied by a comprehensive CV with copies of qualifications. Background verification, including criminal record and citizenship checks, as well as a competency assessment will form part of the selection process. No late applications will be accepted. It is the applicants’ responsibility to have their foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA)

Enquiries should be directed to the recruitment office at (012) 394-5286/ 3097

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