
Dept of Home Affairs (DHA): Digitization Internships 2023 / 2024

The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) invites South African unemployed graduates to apply for Internship Programme 2023.

Internship Application Closing Date: 02 March 2023

Internship Location: Pretoria, Gauteng and Birts, North-West

The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) has started the digitization process of converting over 350 million paper records into electronic format for improved service delivery. 

The DHA seeks to contribute to the employment creation goals and strategic priorities of the Presidential Employment Stimulus programme by hiring unemployed youth on a fixed term contracts to assist. 

Locations: All roles will be at the Department of Home Affairs in Gauteng Province (Pretoria) and the North West Province (Brits).

Minimum Requirements:

The following Opportunities are open for applications:

Runners (240 post)

Requirements: Higher Certificate or Higher qualification in: Information Technology / Records Management / Document Management

Duties include: 

Document Warehouse Controllers (16 post)

Requirements: Higher Certificate or Higher qualification in: Information Technology / Records Management / Document Management

Duties include: 

Preppers ( 737 post)

Requirements: Higher Certificate or Higher qualification in: Information Technology / Records Management / Document Management

Duties include: 

Scanners (125 post)

Requirements: Diploma or higher in: Information Technology / Library Science / Computer Science.

Duties include: 

Indexers (1600 post)

Requirements: Diploma or higher in: Information Technology / Library Science / Computer Science.

Duties include: 

Quality Controllers (200 post)

Requirements: Diploma or higher in: Information Technology / Library Science / Computer Science.

Duties include: 

Team Leaders (210 post)

Requirements: Diploma or higher in:  Document / Records Management or Information Technology or Computer Science.

Duties include: 

Technical Support (24 post)

Requirements: Bachelor Degree in Information Technology or Computer Science.

Duties include: 

Managers (24 post)

Requirements: A minimum of an Honours Degree in: Document/Records Management or Information Technology or Library Science or Computer Science.

Duties include: 

Receiving Clerks (100 post)

Requirements: A minimum of a Diploma in Document/Records Management or Information Technology

Duties include: 

Drivers (10 post)

Requirements: A minimum of a Higher Certificate in Document/Records Management or Information Technology and a Valid driving licence (code 8 and 10).

Duties include: 

Re-Assemblers (737 post)

Requirements: A minimum of a Diploma in Document/Records Management or Information Technology.

Duties include: 

Duration of Contract: 3 years (approximately May/June 2023- May/June 2026).  A contract linked to the duration of the project will be signed upon appointment.

How to apply

Runners (240 post)

Apply Online for the DHA: Runners Internship Opportunities

Document Warehouse Controllers (16 post)

Apply Online for the DHA: Document Warehouse Controllers Internship Opportunities

Preppers ( 737 post)

Apply Online for the DHA: Preppers Internship Opportunities

Scanners (125 post)

Apply Online for the DHA: Scanners Internship Opportunities

Indexers (1600 post)

Apply Online for the DHA: Indexers Internship Opportunities

Quality Controllers (200 post)

Apply Online for the DHA: Quality Controllers Internship Opportunities

Team Leaders (210 post)

Apply Online for the DHA: Team Leaders Internship Opportunities

Technical Support (24 post)

Apply Online for the DHA: Technical Support Internship Opportunities

Managers (24 post)

Apply Online for the DHA: Managers Internship Opportunities

Receiving Clerks (100 post)

Apply Online for the DHA: Receiving Clerks Internship Opportunities

Drivers (10 post)

Apply Online for the DHA: Drivers Internship Opportunities

Re-Assemblers (737 post)

Apply Online for the DHA: Drivers Internship Opportunities

Call our toll-free support line on 0800 727272, Mon-Fri, 9am-4:30 pm if you have any questions or email: support@sayouth.org.za

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