
Department of Tourism Bursaries 2016

Department of Tourism Bursaries 2016
The National Department of Tourism invites applications for bursaries from the unemployed South African citizens for the 2016 academic year in the following fields of study:
Applicants must: be South African citizens, be studying at an accredited South African Educational Institution in one of the above mentioned fields of study, and be prepared to enter into an agreement with the National Department of Tourism.
The applicant must not have any other bursary funding/sponsorships.
Applicants must note the following:
Applications must be directed to the Director-General, Private Bag X424, Pretoria, 0001, or hand delivered to Tourism House, 17 Trevena Street, Sunnyside, for attention: Mr Welcome Tshabalala, tel. 012 444 6183 or Mr Loyiso Sobandla, tel. 012 444 6158. No faxed or email applications will be considered.
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