Department of Health: Internships 2017 / 2018 in Pretoria
Internship Application Closing date: 07 August 2017 Closing Time: 12h00 Midday
Internship Provider: Department of Health
Internships Location : Pretoria
The applicants must not have been exposed to work experience in their area of study or have participated in an internship programme in a government department. The Department aims to enhance the employability of unemployed graduates as potential employees through this internship programme.
Degree/Diploma in Administration, Public Administration, Public Management, Office Administration and Management, Statistics, Financial Management, Accounting, Supply Chain Management, Logistics Management, Purchasing Management, Communication, Marketing, Public Relations, Information Technology, Information Systems, Project Management, Internal Audit, Commerce, Risk Management, Management, International Relations, Human Resources Development, Training Management and Human Resources Management.
How to Apply
by Post: The Director-General, National Department of Health, Private Bag X828, Pretoria. 0001. or Hand delivered applications may be submitted at Reception (Brown application Box), Civitas Building, corner of Thabo Sehume (formerly known as Andries) and Struben streets.Pretoria.
Enquiries: Mr A Masilo Tel no: (012) 395 866