DENISA is offering Bursary 2023 for SA students

DENOSA invites applications from South African students to apply for Bursaries Programme 2023 academic year.
Bursary Application closing date is 31 January 2023
Bursaries will be awarded to fully paid‑up members of DENOSA, for Nursing studies towards the following courses:
- Bridging courses and short courses
- Community nursing science
- Community health nursing, psychiatric nursing and geriatric nursing
- Postgraduate studies (at a University or Technikon)
- Clinical Master’s degree programme
The bursary award will only cover a small portion of tertiary expenses, therefore students are required to have funding for the shortfall.
Bursary recipients will be required to reapply for funding each year, and funding will be granted based on academic performance.
Applicants will receive feedback on whether their application was successful, from April 2023.
Bursary recipients must submit progress reports to the secretary, by no later than 14 February each year, until the end of the course of study.
Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry criteria before applying (please note that failure to satisfy all the requirements will lead to your application not being considered):
- You must be a fully paid‑up member of DENOSA, for at least 2 year before applying for this bursary (read about DENOSA membership here)
- You must be a fully paid‑up member of DENOSA for the 2023 academic year and must remain a paid‑up member of DENOSA for the duration of your studies, for which the bursary is awarded
- You must be a registered nurse and/or midwife
- You must have undertaken a certain amount of approved post‑basic work
- You must have been accepted for your course of study and registered with the educational institution for the 2023 academic year
- Post-basic Undergraduate courses: you must study towards a Bachelor’s degree in nursing, at a University or Technikon in South Africa and you must have passed at least half of the program/ courses (6 courses)
- Post-basic Diploma courses: you must have passed at least half of the course, if the diploma course is more than 1 year (this does not apply to diploma courses less than 1 year)
- Short courses: the course must be listed with the S A Nursing Council (if not listed with the SANC, you will be required to motivate how this course will improve your practice as a nurse)
- Bridging courses: you must have completed the first year of study
How to apply
Download and complete the relevant application form:
Undergraduate students: DENOSA Bursary Application Form 2023 (Undergraduate) (.doc)
Postgraduate students: DENOSA Bursary Application Form 2023 (Postgraduate) (.docx)
Applications forms are available at:
The Secretary, DENOSA Study Fund Committee, P O Box 1280, Pretoria, 0001
DENOSA Provincial Offices (not from the offices of donor firms):
- Eastern Cape office: 5 Geard Street, North End, Port Elizabeth 6001
- Free State office: 25A Milner Road, Wavelley, Bloemfontein 9301
- Gauteng office: 6 Berkswell Street, Gresswold, Johannesburg, 2090
- KwaZulu-Natal office: 1320 Durdoc Centre, 460 Smith Street, Durban, 4001
- Limpopo office: 96 Biccard Street, Polokwane, 0700
- Mpumalanga office: 23a Steak Street, Nelspruit, 1200
- North West office: 137 Provident Street, A.N. Lekgetha Building, Mmabatho, 2735
- Northern Cape office: Permanent Bldg. Cnr. Jones & Du Toitspan ST 2nd floor, Room 204 Kimberly 8301
- Western Cape office: 2 First Avenue, Bellville, 7530
Submit clear copies of the following supporting documentation along with your completed application form (the submission of these documents is compulsory – if any items are missing, your application may be disqualified):
- ID document (certified copy)
- Proof of tertiary registration (if not available yet, please arrange with the DENOSA secretary to submit it at a later stage)
- Post-basic undergraduate courses: proof of completed courses (on institutions letterhead)
- Proof of gross salary (latest payslips: certified copy)
- Proof of registration fee paid to your institution for the 2023 academic year
Applications must be submitted via email to:
(Insert the words “DENOSA Bursary Application 2023” in the email subject line).