
CPUT Registration Dates 2020: What are the registration closing dates for Cape Peninsula University of Technology

Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT)’s 2020 registration period set to open second week of January for undergraduate and first week for postgraduate.

Here is a breakdown of the 2020 registration dates or registration closing dates for Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT):

Undergraduate Registration (including Advanced Diploma and phasing out B Tech programmes)

  • First Year/First-Time: Online and off-campus registrations open as early as 16 January 2020 for some programmes
  • Returning students: Off-campus online registrations open as early as 07 January 2020 for some programmes. On-campus assistance will only commence as early as 13 January 2020

Postgraduate Registration (Masters, Doctoral and phasing out M Tech and D Tech programmes)

  • First-time registering students (Full Research M and D programmes): 07 January 2020 – 29 May 2020
  • M and D course-based programmes: 07 January 2020 – 02 March 2020
  • All returning students: 07 January 2020 – 02 March 2020

Registration guide

NOTE: that all international students must first report for Pre-registration clearance before proceeding with registration.

Online registration is the primary registration mode at CPUT and all students are required to register online (except for a small number of qualifications listed in the registration booklet).

Students must register online before the on-campus support dates and can register from the comfort of your own home, or wherever you have internet access. If you register off-campus, email assistance will be available.

If you experience problems that cannot be resolved via email or phone, you can register in one of the dedicated computer laboratories specifically allocated for online registration support.

Specifications for your computer: Internet Explorer 7 or higher, with Adobe Acrobat Reader 7 or higher. No other browsers are certified for online registrations at CPUT.

There is an online registration support document for your convenience and is available on our website http://www.cput.ac.za/sos

Inclusive Education and Disability Support Click Here

Wellington Campus:

  • Tuesday, 28 January 2020, 10:00 at Wellington Campus

District Six, Granger Bay and Mowbray Campuses:

  • Wednesday, 29 January 2020, 10:00 at District Six Campus

Bellville Campus:

  • Thursday, 30 January 2020, 10:00 at Bellville Campus 
  1. Parents, spouses and partners are welcome to attend
  2. Attendance is compulsory for all first-year students

Download the 2020 registration booklet here for detailed registration information and final registration dates.

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