Central Johannesburg TVET College (CJC) Applications for 2019 is open.
CJC encourage prospective students to apply as possible for 2019 academic year.
To apply for 2019 visit:
5 Ubla Avenue
(Off Princess of Wales Terrace)
Johannesburg, South Africa
Write to:
Private Bag 70500
E-mail: info@cjc.edu.za
Telephone: (011) 351 6000
Facsimile: (011) 484 2738
Parktown CampusTel: 011 643 8421 Fax: 011 643 1020 |
Alexandra CampusTel: 011 882 9763 Fax: 011 882 3305 |
Ellis Park CampusTel: 011 402 2990 Fax: 011 402 2991 |
Crown Mines CampusTel: 011 247 0913 Fax: 011 247 0916 |
Riverlea CampusTel: 011 474 2080 Fax: 011 473 2321 |
Langlaagte CampusTel: 011 839 2781 Fax: 011 839 3972 |
Troyville ICT Learning Resource CentreTel: 011 216 0300 Fax: 011 216 0301 |
Marketing & Communications DepartmentTel: 011 351 6000 Fax: 011 484 2738 |