
Bergrivier Municipality : Finance Internships 2017 in Western Cape

Bergrivier Municipality has set up a financial internship programme to manage capacity building in municipalities. Interns will undergo practical experience and further training in strategic reforms in municipal finance. This appointment will be valid for one year with a possible extension of a further year. Opportunities are available for Finance as well as Internal Audit graduates. Successful candidates will receive a stipends of R100 000 per annum.

Internship Application deadline is 05 May 2017 @ 15:30

Internship Privider: Bergrivier Municipality

Internship Location : Western Cape

Field of Studies :


Key Performance Areas:

How to apply

A covering letter with three contactable references, must accompany the completed prescribed application form (available on request at Tel. 022 913 6000 or click here to download) with certified copies of the necessary qualification certificates and a Curriculum Vitae, to reach the Municipal offices, Piketberg or mailed to : The Human Resource Management.  P.O. Box 60, Piketberg 7320 for the attention of Ms AG Louw (Manager: Human Resources) by no later than the closing date. No faxes or electronic mail will be accepted.

Enquiries: Ms J Erasmus / Mr G Goliath at (022) 913 6000

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