
Apply for Necsa Learning Academy Apprenticeships 2024 / 2025

Necsa Learning Academy invites South African unemployed youth to apply for Apprenticeship Programme 2024.

Apprenticeship Location: South Africa

Apprenticeship Closing Date: 17 July 2024

Necsa Learning Academy Apprenticeship Vacancies

Necsa Learning Academy invites unemployed youth to apply for the Apprenticeship Training Programme in the following Occupational Certificates/Trades:

Necsa Learning Academy (NLA) is a nationally recognized and accredited skills development provider focused on professional and technical skills development.

Minimum Requirements:

In addition to the above minimum requirements, candidates must also meet the following requirements:

References for Applications:

NB!!! The following tables consist of the Mechanical, Electrical, and Fabrication Trades with their Reference Numbers and the province in which you reside.

Mechanical Trades

ProvinceOC: Fitter and TurnerOC: Mechanical FitterOC: Turner MachinistOC: Toolmaker
Eastern Capefitt&turnec2024mechfittec2024metmachec2024toolmakec2024
Free Statefitt&turnfs2024mechfittfs2024metmachfs2024toolmakfs2024
Kwa-Zulu Natalfitt&turnkzn2024mechfittkzn2024metmachkzn2024toolmakkzn2024
Northern Capefitt&turnnc2024mechfittnc2024metmachnc2024toolmaknc2024
North Westfitt&turnnw2024mechfittnw2024metmachnw2024toolmaknw2024

Electrical Trades

ProvinceOC: ElectricianOC: InstrumentationOC: Millwright
Eastern Capeelectricec2024instruec2024millwrec2024
Free Stateelectricfs2024instrufs2024millwrfs2024
Kwa-Zulu Natalelectrickzn2024instrukzn2024millwrkzn2024
Northern Capeelectricnc2024instrunc2024millwrnc2024
North Westelectricnw2024instrunw2024millwrnw2024

Fabrication Trades

ProvinceOC: WelderOC: Boilermaker
Eastern Capeweldec2024boilermakec2024
Free Stateweldfs2024boilermakfs2024
Kwa-Zulu Natalweldkzn2024boilermakkzn2024
Northern Capeweldnc2024boilermaknc2024
North Westweldnw2024boilermaknw2024

Additional Information:


How to apply

NB: People with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

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