
A Comprehensive Guide to All UNISA Qualifications and Courses: Diplomas, Advanced Diplomas, and Bachelor Degrees

The University of South Africa (UNISA) offers a diverse range of qualifications to cater to various interests and career aspirations. Whether you’re looking to advance your career, switch fields, or start your academic journey, UNISA provides numerous options. Below is a comprehensive list of diplomas, advanced diplomas, and bachelor degrees available at UNISA.


  1. Diploma in Accounting Sciences (98200)
  2. Diploma in Administrative Management (98216)
  3. Diploma in Agricultural Management (90097)
  4. Diploma in Corrections Management (98218)
  5. Diploma in Explosives Management (98222)
  6. Diploma in Human Resource Management (98211)
  7. Diploma in Local Government Finance (90083)
  8. Diploma in Marketing Management (98202)
  9. Diploma in Nature Conservation (98024 – NCO)
  10. Diploma in Operations Management (90183)
  11. Diploma in Ornamental Horticulture (98025 – HOR)
  12. Diploma in Policing (98220)
  13. Diploma in Public Administration and Management (98203)
  14. Diploma in Safety Management (90107)
  15. Diploma in Security Management (98221)
  16. Diploma in Small Business Management (90073)
  17. Diploma in Tourism Management (98223)

Advanced Diplomas

  1. Advanced Diploma in Animal Health (90112)
  2. Advanced Diploma in Explosives Management (90124)
  3. Advanced Diploma in Safety Management (90181)
  4. Advanced Diploma in Security Management (98235)
  5. Advanced Diploma in Tourism Management (90118)

Bachelor Degrees

  1. Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in Financial Accounting (Revised Curriculum 2020) (98302 – FA1)
  2. Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in Internal Auditing (98303 – AUI)
  3. Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in Management Accounting (Revised Curriculum 2020) (98304 – MA1)
  4. Bachelor of Administration (98315 – BAD)
  5. Bachelor of Administration in Human Settlements Management (90016 – HSM)
  6. Bachelor of Arts (99311 – GEN)
  7. Bachelor of Arts African Languages and African Politics (99311 – APO)
  8. Bachelor of Arts African Languages and Art History (99311 – ALA)
  9. Bachelor of Arts African Languages and Communication Science (99311 – ALS)
  10. Bachelor of Arts African Languages and Criminology (99311 – ALC)
  11. Bachelor of Arts African Languages and Economics (99311 – ALE)
  12. Bachelor of Arts African Languages and Geography (99311 – ALG)
  13. Bachelor of Arts African Languages and History (99311 – ALH)
  14. Bachelor of Arts African Languages and Information Science (99311 – AIN)
  15. Bachelor of Arts African Languages and Linguistics (99311 – ALL)
  16. Bachelor of Arts African Languages and Public Administration (99311 – APA)
  17. Bachelor of Arts African Politics and Politics (99311 – APP)
  18. Bachelor of Arts African Politics and Private Law (99311 – APL)
  19. Bachelor of Arts Afrikaans and Economics (99311 – AEC)
  20. Bachelor of Arts Afrikaans and Geography (99311 – AGE)
  21. Bachelor of Arts Afrikaans and History (99311 – AHI)
  22. Bachelor of Arts Afrikaans and Private Law (99311 – AFL)
  23. Bachelor of Arts Anthropology and Communication Science (99311 – ANC)
  24. Bachelor of Arts Anthropology and Economics (99311 – ANE)
  25. Bachelor of Arts Anthropology and Geography (99311 – ANG)
  26. Bachelor of Arts Anthropology and History (99311 – ANH)
  27. Bachelor of Arts Anthropology and Linguistics (99311 – ANL)
  28. Bachelor of Arts Anthropology and Theology (99311 – ANT)
  29. Bachelor of Arts Arabic and Mandarin Chinese (99311 – AMC)
  30. Bachelor of Arts Arabic and Theology (99311 – ATH)
  31. Bachelor of Arts Archaeology and African Languages (99311 – AAL)
  32. Bachelor of Arts Archaeology and African Politics (99311 – AAP)
  33. Bachelor of Arts Archaeology and Anthropology (99311 – AAN)
  34. Bachelor of Arts Archaeology and Archives and Records Management (99311 – AAR)
  35. Bachelor of Arts Archaeology and Art History (99311 – AAH)
  36. Bachelor of Arts Archaeology and Classical Culture (99311 – ACC)
  37. Bachelor of Arts Archaeology and Communication Science (99311 – ACS)
  38. Bachelor of Arts Archaeology and Criminology (99311 – ACR)
  39. Bachelor of Arts Archaeology and Development Studies (99311 – ADS)
  40. Bachelor of Arts Archaeology and Economics (99311 – ARE)
  41. Bachelor of Arts Archaeology and French (99311 – AFR)
  42. Bachelor of Arts Archaeology and Geography (99311 – ARG)
  43. Bachelor of Arts Archaeology and History (99311 – ARH)
  44. Bachelor of Arts Archaeology and Industrial and Organisational Psychology (99311 – AIO)
  45. Bachelor of Arts Archaeology and Information Science (99311 – AIS)
  46. Bachelor of Arts Archaeology and Linguistics (99311 – ALI)
  47. Bachelor of Arts Archaeology and Mandarin Chinese (99311 – ACH)
  48. Bachelor of Arts Archaeology and Philosophy (99311 – APH)
  49. Bachelor of Arts Archaeology and Politics (99311 – ARP)
  50. Bachelor of Arts Archaeology and Scripture (99311 – ASC)
  51. Bachelor of Arts Archaeology and Sociology (99311 – ASO)
  52. Bachelor of Arts Archives and Records Management and Communication Science (99311 – AMS)
  53. Bachelor of Arts Archives and Records Management and Criminology (99311 – ARC)
  54. Bachelor of Arts Archives and Records Management and Economics (99311 – AME)
  55. Bachelor of Arts Archives and Records Management and History (99311 – AMH)
  56. Bachelor of Arts Archives and Records Management and Industrial and Organisational Psychology (99311 – AIP)
  57. Bachelor of Arts Archives and Records Management and Information Science (99311 – AMI)
  58. Bachelor of Arts Archives and Records Management and Public Administration (99311 – AMP)
  59. Bachelor of Arts Art History and Classical Culture (99311 – AHC)
  60. Bachelor of Arts Art History and Economics (99311 – AHE)
  61. Bachelor of Arts Communication Science and Criminology (99311 – CSC)
  62. Bachelor of Arts Communication Science and Economics (99311 – CSE)
  63. Bachelor of Arts Communication Science and Geography (99311 – CSG)
  64. Bachelor of Arts Communication Science and Industrial and Organisational Psychology (99311 – CIO)
  65. Bachelor of Arts Communication Science and International Politics (99311 – CIP)
  66. Bachelor of Arts Communication Science and Mandarin Chinese (99311 – CMC)
  67. Bachelor of Arts Communication Science and Ministry (99311 – CSM)
  68. Bachelor of Arts Communication Science and Music in History and Society (99311 – CMH)
  69. Bachelor of Arts Communication Science and Public Administration (99311 – CPA)
  70. Bachelor of Arts Communication Science and Theology (99311 – CST)
  71. Bachelor of Arts Communication Science and Theory of Literature (99311 – CTL)
  72. Bachelor of Arts Development Studies and Archives and Records Management (99311 – DAR)
  73. Bachelor of Arts Development Studies and Communication Science (99311 – DCS)
  74. Bachelor of Arts Development Studies and English Studies (99311 – DES)
  75. Bachelor of Arts Development Studies and Geography (99311 – DSG)
  76. Bachelor of Arts Development Studies and History (99311 – DSH)
  77. Bachelor of Arts Development Studies and Industrial and Organisational Psychology (99311 – DIO)
  78. Bachelor of Arts Development Studies and Ministry (99311 – DSM)
  79. Bachelor of Arts Development Studies and Philosophy (99311 – DPH)
  80. Bachelor of Arts Development Studies and Public Administration (99311 – DPA)
  81. Bachelor of Arts Development Studies and Scripture (99311 – DSC)
  82. Bachelor of Arts Development Studies and Sociology (99311 – DSS)
  83. Bachelor of Arts Development Studies and Theology (99311 – DST)
  84. Bachelor of Arts English Studies and African Languages (99311 – EAL)
  85. Bachelor of Arts English Studies and Afrikaans (99311 – ESA)
  86. Bachelor of Arts English Studies and Archives and Records Management (99311 – EAR)
  87. Bachelor of Arts English Studies and Classical Culture (99311 – ECC)
  88. Bachelor of Arts English Studies and Communication Science (99311 – ECS)
  89. Bachelor of Arts English Studies and Criminology (99311 – ECR)
  90. Bachelor of Arts English Studies and Development Studies (99311 – EDS)
  91. Bachelor of Arts English Studies and Economics (99311 – EEC)
  92. Bachelor of Arts English Studies and History (99311 – EHI)
  93. Bachelor of Arts English Studies and Industrial and Organisational Psychology (99311 – EIO)
  94. Bachelor of Arts English Studies and Information Science (99311 – EIN)
  95. Bachelor of Arts English Studies and International Politics (99311 – EIP)
  96. Bachelor of Arts English Studies and Linguistics (99311 – ELG)
  97. Bachelor of Arts English Studies and Mandarin Chinese (99311 – EMC)
  98. Bachelor of Arts English Studies and Music in History and Society (99311 – EMH)
  99. Bachelor of Arts English Studies and Philosophy (99311 – EPH)
  100. Bachelor of Arts English Studies and Politics (99311 – EPL)
  101. Bachelor of Arts English Studies and Public Administration (99311 – EPA)
  102. Bachelor of Arts English Studies and Sociology (99311 – ESO)
  103. Bachelor of Arts English Studies and Theology (99311 – EST)
  104. Bachelor of Arts Geography and Industrial and Organisational Psychology (99311 – GIO)
  105. Bachelor of Arts History and Archives and Records Management (99311 – HAI)
  106. Bachelor of Arts History and Classical Culture (99311 – HCC)
  107. Bachelor of Arts History and Communication Science (99311 – HCS)
  108. Bachelor of Arts History and Criminology (99311 – HCR)
  109. Bachelor of Arts History and Economics (99311 – HEI)
  110. Bachelor of Arts History and Geography (99311 – HGI)
  111. Bachelor of Arts History and Industrial and Organisational Psychology (99311 – HIO)
  112. Bachelor of Arts History and Information Science (99311 – HIS)
  113. Bachelor of Arts History and Linguistics (99311 – HLI)
  114. Bachelor of Arts History and Philosophy (99311 – HPH)
  115. Bachelor of Arts History and Politics (99311 – HPO)
  116. Bachelor of Arts History and Public Administration (99311 – HPA)
  117. Bachelor of Arts History and Sociology (99311 – HSO)
  118. Bachelor of Arts History and Theology (99311 – HTH)
  119. Bachelor of Arts Information Science and Industrial and Organisational Psychology (99311 – IOP)
  120. Bachelor of Arts Information Science and Public Administration (99311 – ISP)
  121. Bachelor of Arts Information Science and Theory of Literature (99311 – IST)
  122. Bachelor of Arts Linguistics and Industrial and Organisational Psychology (99311 – LIO)
  123. Bachelor of Arts Linguistics and Mandarin Chinese (99311 – LMC)
  124. Bachelor of Arts Linguistics and Theory of Literature (99311 – LTL)
  125. Bachelor of Arts Ministry and Public Administration (99311 – MPA)
  126. Bachelor of Arts Music in History and Society and Public Administration (99311 – MPS)
  127. Bachelor of Arts Politics and Communication Science (99311 – PCS)
  128. Bachelor of Arts Politics and Criminology (99311 – PCR)
  129. Bachelor of Arts Politics and Development Studies (99311 – PDS)
  130. Bachelor of Arts Politics and Geography (99311 – PGS)
  131. Bachelor of Arts Politics and Industrial and Organisational Psychology (99311 – PIO)
  132. Bachelor of Arts Politics and Information Science (99311 – PIS)
  133. Bachelor of Arts Politics and Linguistics (99311 – PLG)
  134. Bachelor of Arts Politics and Philosophy (99311 – PPH)
  135. Bachelor of Arts Politics and Public Administration (99311 – PPA)
  136. Bachelor of Arts Politics and Sociology (99311 – PSO)
  137. Bachelor of Arts Politics and Theology (99311 – PTH)
  138. Bachelor of Arts Public Administration and Anthropology (99311 – PAA)
  139. Bachelor of Arts Public Administration and Criminology (99311 – PAC)
  140. Bachelor of Arts Public Administration and Economics (99311 – PAE)
  141. Bachelor of Arts Public Administration and History (99311 – PAH)
  142. Bachelor of Arts Public Administration and Industrial and Organisational Psychology (99311 – PIO)
  143. Bachelor of Arts Public Administration and International Politics (99311 – PIP)
  144. Bachelor of Arts Public Administration and Mandarin Chinese (99311 – PMC)
  145. Bachelor of Arts Public Administration and Philosophy (99311 – PHP)
  146. Bachelor of Arts Public Administration and Scripture (99311 – PSA)
  147. Bachelor of Arts Public Administration and Sociology (99311 – PAS)
  148. Bachelor of Arts Public Administration and Theology (99311 – PHT)
  149. Bachelor of Arts Sociology and Criminology (99311 – SCR)
  150. Bachelor of Arts Sociology and Industrial and Organisational Psychology (99311 – SIO)
  151. Bachelor of Arts Sociology and Linguistics (99311 – SLI)
  152. Bachelor of Arts Sociology and Ministry (99311 – SMI)
  153. Bachelor of Arts Sociology and Public Administration (99311 – SPO)
  154. Bachelor of Arts Sociology and Theology (99311 – STY)
  155. Bachelor of Business Administration (98316)
  156. Bachelor of Commerce in Economics (98314 – ECO)
  157. Bachelor of Commerce in Finance (98314 – FIN)
  158. Bachelor of Commerce in Law (98314 – CLA)
  159. Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing Management (98314 – MMA)
  160. Bachelor of Commerce in Supply Chain and Operations Management (98314 – SCM)
  161. Bachelor of Education in Intermediate Phase Teaching (90103 – IPT)
  162. Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching (90104 – SFT)
  163. Bachelor of Engineering Technology in Civil Engineering (90132 – CVL)
  164. Bachelor of Engineering Technology in Electrical Engineering (90135 – ELE)
  165. Bachelor of Engineering Technology in Mechanical Engineering (90133 – MEC)
  166. Bachelor of Laws (98680 – LLB)
  167. Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (98025 – AGR)
  168. Bachelor of Science in Computing (98305 – SCO)
  169. Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (98906 – BIT)
  170. Bachelor of Social Work (90088 – SJS)


UNISA offers a wide range of qualifications designed to meet the needs of various students. Whether you’re aiming for a diploma, advanced diploma, or bachelor degree, UNISA has something to suit your academic and career goals. For more detailed information on each course, including admission requirements and course content, visit the UNISA website.

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