Discovery: Learnerships 2016 / 2017 in Gauteng
Discovery: Learnerships 2016 / 2017 in Gauteng
Discovery is offering the opportunity of a lifetime for 16 of South Africa’s brightest young people to join their Short-Term insurance and Wealth Management Learnership Programmes in 2017. The learnerships will be based in Sandton, Gauteng.
The Learnership programme consists of structured learning components combined with practical/workplace experience which totals to 1 500 learning hours. The qualification is Unit Standard Based and the programme is registered with the Insurance Sector Education and Training Authority (InSeta) and will be accredited by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA).
Learnership Application deadline is 31 October 2016
Learnership Provider: Discovery
Learnership Location: Gauteng
- Be South African Citizens;
- Hold a valid & recognised Matric with Maths (Minimum Level 4 – 50%) & English (Minimum Level 4 50%), Maths Literacy 60% or higher; & a 2nd language (e.g Afrikaans or a Home language; Minimum Level 4 – 50%)
- Be between the ages of 18 and 30 years;
- Have effective communication skills in the English language;
- Possess basic computer skills;
- Have an interest in Insurance in a financial services environment
- May have an incomplete tertiary (financial) qualification
- Communication – communicates clearly and professionally to clients
- Resilience & drive – pursues goals despite obstacles
- Interpersonal skills – relates well to diverse people
- Detail orientation – accurately captures or communicates information
- Desire and potential to learn
- Self-motivated
- Basic computer skills
Ensure that you apply for only 1 of the Learnerships advertised and that you meet the minimum criteria in order to be eligible for the Learnership.
How to apply